Monday, March 21, 2011

The boys.....

I just want everyone to know just how great i think my boys are......they are my life...i live for them.....i was a single mom up till 3 months ago so everything i did was for them in some form or fashion......very rarely did the ask for stuff because they knew we could not afford alot of oldest is now 8 and has some anger issues that we are working through but other than that he is a very happy young man and easy going most of the little one is know 4 he has never meet a stranger he did not know or a danger he would not face.....both of my boys are drama kings and i just know with all of that they will be actors and make momma lots of has an imagination that is 10 times his size...he has lots of imaginary pets, monsters, and toys.....he is just fine entertaining himself with his imagination....the 8 yr old is my parrot of t.v. shows, commercials and movies......they both put such a smile on my face most of the time.....dont get me wrong there are times they just stress me beyond belief.....i use to write a letter a week to my boys i have not done that in a long time and i am hoping this will help me to start doing that again.....well i guess i will let u go for know but not for ever......